Welsh Corgi Cardigan:
The Cardigan is a medium size dog with a big-dog personality! Bred to herd cattle, guard the farm and as a companion, the Cardigan has a big will to please its owner and they are devoted to the ones they love. The Cardigan was meant to be a hard-working, efficient herding dog as well as a great friend to the complete family. Because of this the Cardigan is a dog that is most happy when given a job to do that it can do for its owners. This job can vary from herding, to agility, tracking, you name it, the all-round Cardigan can do it, and will love to do it together with you! Cardigans easily adjust to any lifestyle and make excellent pets for all age groups, children included. They make a close friend for its entire life! Basset Artesien Normand: The Basset is a low, long but firmly built dog. Originally the basset is a hunting dog which was kept in a pack. This makes the Basset a friendly, happy and very social dog. They make good hunting companions, tracking and chasing, mostly roe deer. The Basset loves to use its nose; they love bloodtracking! Besides being devoted hunters, the Basset makes a great family dog, affectionate to all family members, which they consider their pack, children included. Friends for life! The Basset is able to work on its own, without support of the hunter by its side, but still working together as a team! Because of this talent, the Basset can have a little bit a mind of its own! This is what makes the Basset so special and you can’t help it loving them for it... |